
Author name: Whuups Team

Whuups, shaka bien et vous ?

Qui ? Whuups
Quoi ? Un réseau social tout en un, protecteur des données et conçu par des équipes européennes.

Connaissez-vous le shaka ? Ce geste puissamment amical, pouce et petit doigt levés et agités, a été choisi comme totem de Whuups. Cette application européenne part à la conquête du marché de la messagerie instantanée et rêve de concurrencer les géants américains. Le tout avec une formule ludique, innovante et protectrice des données. La revanche du Vieux Continent ?

C’est un peu l’histoire d’Astérix dans le monde du numérique. Le petit contre le géant. Whuups contre WhatsApp. Whuups, c’est l’histoire d’un succès à l’européenne. La nouvelle née des applications numériques vogue vers le succès. Depuis 2021, elle s’est rendue disponible dans 177 pays et 78 langues (à peu près partout, donc). Point fondamental : elle dispose d’un système de traduction instantanée – utile pour les communications internationales. Sur le principe, elle ressemble un peu au départ à WhatsApp. Même si les couleurs sont plus chatoyantes (un camaïeu de rose plutôt qu’un vert pharmacie). Mais très vite, on s’aperçoit d’une foultitude de fonctionnalités nouvelles. D’abord, l’onglet « Event » qui vise à regrouper chacun selon des centres d’intérêt. L’objectif ? se retrouver ensuite dans la vraie vie : match de tennis, concert, événement culturel… Whuups entend rompre avec l’ultra-digitalisation du monde. Faire du numérique un moyen de se retrouver dans la vie réelle. Un rêve longtemps pourchassé par des plates-formes qui n’y arrivent jamais vraiment. Mais avec une formule ludique, amusante et « sans chichi », Whuups pense pouvoir faire la différence.

Il y a aussi l’onglet « Flow », qui ressemble un peu à la désormais fameuse « story » d’Instagram. Un moyen de partager des photos rapidement avec son cercle d’amis. L’onglet « Talk », reprend pour sa part l’idée phare de Twitter : de courts messages de quelques mots. En vérité, Whuups voudrait réunir l’essentiel des caractéristiques des autres réseaux sociaux en une seule application.

Un fondateur à l’esprit conquérant

Son fondateur, drôle et fantasque, répond du nom de Gailord. Il a eu neuf vies. Ce natif de Soissons, d’origine modeste, aura vu du pays. Il a vécu pêle-mêle à Hong-Kong, aux États-Unis, au Japon… Un tropisme pacifique qu’il rattrape aujourd’hui en partageant sa vie entre la France et Dubaï. Même s’il se promène souvent du côté de Palo Alto, sur la côte californienne… Repère des technophiles ! L’homme ne vient pourtant pas du monde des nouvelles technologies. Pas le genre à bidouiller un ordinateur dans son garage d’adolescent, comme Bill Gates ou Steve Jobs. Après une première carrière dans le monde de l’art contemporain, et quelques soubresauts qui prouvent sa résilience, Gailord bifurque et s’engage dans le rebond. Avec une niaque sans pareille, il pénètre le monde des nouvelles technologies et s’entoure des meilleurs. Affolé face aux méthodes carnassières des géants d’Amérique, il se fait la promesse de produire une application mieux-disante sur le volet des données personnelles.

Vers le métavers mais pas tête baissée

Preuve de sa présence bien ancrée dans le monde d’aujourd’hui : Whuups regarde déjà vers le métavers. Gailord, en parallèle de son réseau social innovant, lance Odyssey Meta, pionnier européen du « Web 3.0 ». Et pourtant. Loin de capitaliser sur cette révolution aussi inquiétante qu’alléchante, Gailord nous indique regarder cette évolution d’un œil finalement très tranquille. Contrairement aux pressés qui foncent tête bêche, Gailord est convaincu que le métavers devra cohabiter – pendant des dizaines d’années au moins – avec le Web 2.0 (l’actuel). Un enjeu essentiel face à la cherté des équipements métavers… et aux réticences des plus âgés et des moins connectés d’entre nous. Ainsi, il faudra s’assurer que puissent communiquer ensemble les deux univers, sans créer de fracture béante. Il s’explique : « Le web trois points zéro permettra aux utilisateurs de toute génération d’utiliser du deux points zéro, en appels réguliers ou en appels vidéo. On pourra aussi utiliser des lunettes immersives de systèmes Oculus. Ce qui permettra d’être dans la rue, de téléphoner au même moment, ou alors quelqu’un sera en train d’être filmé en métavers… On pourra discuter ou se voir à plusieurs en même temps. Notre stratégie se résume à cela : obtenir le 2.0 – le fondement d’internet – pour passer au 3.0… Transition essentielle à venir. »

Allez savoir. Peut-être que dans quelques années, François Berléand, qui est déjà un éminent whuupser, jouera ses pièces de théâtre dans le « web 3 » de cette application nouvelle.

Whuups Redefines Social Networking With New Messaging App

Whuups, the company that is revolutionizing how the world communicates, has announced that its new messaging app is best suited for people with big dreams who aren’t satisfied with average experiences or the status quo and want to squeeze more out of every moment of life.

Describing itself as a movement, Whuups promises that the messaging app packs some amazingly unique features that set it apart from other social messaging tools.

The Whuups app lets users decide what language they would have the messenger displayed in by offering a list of 60 different language options for them to choose.

It also packs an inbuilt translator to facilitate smoother conversations between people of different cultures by allowing in-chat translation.

The community focussed app allows users to create new events or join existing ones by simply filling out a description form and sharing it with their friends, as well as hosting or listening to talks by other members.

All these in addition to already familiar features like creating and joining groups, setting and editing profile images and bio, as well changing in-chat wallpapers and many more.

Founded in April 2020 by Gailord Bovrisse, a French-born citizen, Whuups describes its platform as more than just a messaging app, but a unique tool with which people can create a world of their own, connect without barriers and share their views and experiences instantly.

“Whuups opens the door to a world of endless possibilities. Where you can create communities, …chat, call, participate, share ideas. Create events, big or small. Be entertained, be a critic, a curator, a maker… Create the next big thing. Create culture. Invite family, friends, colleagues, new connections… Whuups is YOUR world to shape and own. No borders, no language barriers, no limits.”

The innovative messaging   app   is   currently   available   for   download   on both Google and Apple play stores. And users can also find an FAQ page on Whuup’s website with short videos detailing how every feature works.

Plans for a Web and Desktop app are already in the works with aim for a December 2021 launch, which will further expand the Whuups features and functionalities before the year is over.

“We believe in the power of community, and we’re constantly listening to what our users have to say – tweaking and improving on our product and service to make sure Whuups is not just your average instant messaging app. Sure, it does what other apps do, but we dial it up about 10 notches. Whuups is a place for unlimited groups of friends to share experiences all at once, a place where language barriers are broken

down with a single touch, so different communities can connect and new cultures are created. It’s a place where ideas become a reality. It’s a powerful entertainment network boasting.” – Founder & CEO, Gailord Bovrisse.

For more information, please contact below.

Media Contact

Company Name: Whuups Inc.

Contact Person: Gailord Bovrisse

Email: Send Email

Country: United States

Website: https://whuups.com

Who is WhatsApp’s Biggest Competitor in 2021

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world, but it seems like it is not always the number one choice for new users. If you have been looking for a different solution when it comes to platforms like this, you’ve come to the right place. Keep on reading if you want to find out who is WhatsApps’s biggest competitor in 2021 and why that is.


This free messaging application is available for all operating systems and smart devices, and it is said to be the biggest competitor of the famous WhatsApp. Whuups was created in 2020 by the CEO-founder Gailord Bovrisse, and as soon as it got released, it gained fame amongst users. The reason why people prefer it over other platforms is that it does not only provide the standard messenger features but a lot more that every user can benefit from.

One of the most famous features is the CarPlay and this allows you to pair it with your vehicle and use it safely while you are driving. You can use the calendar planner to add an event on your device instantly, without having to use the phone’s settings. In addition to all this, you can choose to use the talk feature that will aid you in creating polls and impressions publically, and you can even let the people who see it interact with your poll by commenting on it. The translation feature will help you with public comments, as everyone can share their thoughts without a language barrier. Besides all this, you can easily personalize Whuups, by changing the wallpaper, colors, and so on. Finally, you can also create your own flow, share your story, and you can let others interact with it. Note that flows cannot be shared, and your privacy is fully protected while using the platform.

The chats in the messenger are encrypted, and the safety is on an extremely high level. Note that you will also get the standard features that every platform provides including messaging, voice and video calls, conferences, location sharing, and so on.


Source: unsplash.com

Telegram is already one of the most popular messengers in the world, and the number one reason why users prefer it over WhatsApp and similar platforms is because of the safety and encryption that the application provides.

It was first released in 2013 and it is available in dozens of different languages that users can choose from and set as their preference. The platform has everything that you might be looking for and a lot more. It is completely free to download and use, no matter the OS you use, including personal computers and laptops.

Some of the most popular features on the platform include voice and video calls, group messages, and you can even share your screen with the other person, and choose if you want to include the sound.

It is completely personalizable, and you can choose the wallpaper you use, the design, and the colors. You can get hundreds of different stickers on it and use them in your chat and you can also send animations in the chat. It offers two-step verification, and it can be set to remind you to finish the process. In addition, you can choose to schedule messages, or even send them without sound so you don’t disturb others.

These are the two biggest competitors of WhatsApp, and it is said the millions of people prefer the other platforms because of their features and solutions, which are not available in other places.

New Companies That Are Becoming Crucial Players In The Messaging Market

We are all living in a time where the things that develop the most are digital. That is happening because we are all using technology to make things easier for us. You cannot imagine your day without the use of your mobile, and that is the case with most people since we don’t let it out of our hands.

Other than the other uses and purposes, we are mostly using our devices to communicate with our friends and close ones, and we also have an opportunity to find new friends. In addition, applications like these are now used for working purposes because of the past two years, every firm that had this possibility has moved remote, so they need a way to communicate and share information.

In this article, we are going to talk about some of the new firms that are becoming crucial players in the messaging market, helping people get together while offering better options than the apps from before.

1. Whuups

This is a new firm that has dedicated itself to create something that every one of us would enjoy. It works in a way like the other previously established apps, but with new features that you might find interesting and most importantly useful. Other than the regular options that you can find everywhere, you can create events and have video meetings with your coworkers. If there are people who talk a different language, there is an option to translate what they say in the Whuups app itself.

You can use it as a social media app where you can connect with your close ones and share your thoughts and ideas there. Also, there is a feature that is called The Flow that lets you post pictures as a type of story, but nobody will be able to share that or get in another way because the photo remains yours. That way you will feel safer, and you will like to use the app even more.

2. Signal

Source: economictimes.indiatimes.com

This is the alternative that people found because they were not feeling safe because the other major apps were sharing your information and you could not be free while enjoying your chat with your friends. Because of the way this app was made, you can create group messages and talk with your friends without having to worry about that information going out. Other than messaging, you can verbally conversate using your mic and camera so it is a full program meant to please everyone planning to use this.

3. Slack

Source: somagnews.com

If you need a program to use for communication-related to work, this is the one that you need. It serves as a basic app, with the option to manage everything that is related to your job. For example, you can communicate with your friends, while also being able to set up the plan for the day of the week, so everyone can know what they have to do and that increases productivity. If your work requires information to be shared, you will be able to do that using this program as well. In addition, this information can be saved, so if you need them sometime, you can go back and go through them.

4. Band

Source: apps-for-pc.com

Other than the ones with a clear target like using them for work, or to chat without having to worry about information getting out of there, this app is planned to be used by everyone in situations where you plan on casual conversating. For example, it is not meant to be used for work because it does not have the options of planning things up and etc., but it is great because it is simple to use and other chats like arranging your games, talking with your close will be an ease. An interesting option that you can use is the reminder on when you have agreed on doing a certain activity, so nobody will forget and you will avoid similar problems.

5. Discord

Source: makeanapplike.com

An app that became really famous these few years back because of the features, and the easiness to use it. Most of the people who use this app are the ones who enjoy playing video games with their friends so they can talk through that and become better because of it. Also, it allows you to share your screen where the other ones who are watching can give you tips on how to become better, or they can just enjoy watching you play while they are eating or something similar.

Other than people who enjoy their games, this app is now being used by anyone who has a community, whether a celebrity or someone else so they can communicate with their people, or informing them where they will have their product out.

6. Threema

Source: threema.ch

This is another app that has focused on making a product that will keep its users safe because it protects the things that you write during your messaging. Other than words, you can send pictures, and files that will be hidden from the world as well. You can use this app without saying your name or any other information, or you can link it up with something that you use, whether your email address or your number so your friends can find you quicker.

7. GroupMe

Source: medium.com

This is a program that is meant to be used as it is described. All you have to do is to combine all of the people you want to interact in one group or have more separated, for example, one for your family, and the other for your mates. If one of your elders does not own a modern phone, they can chat using the messages from the phone so they will not be left off.

It is an interesting option to use if you want to avoid the big companies because you can personalize everything, starting from the background, adding your own smileys and similar. Also, sharing your photos while you are having your time on it is easy, and they will be saved for when you want to go in the past and remember those memories.

What Every Modern Messaging App Should Offer

Recent times have seen modern messaging evolving to become an integral part of most people’s lives. The use of messaging apps has completely changed how people consume mobile messaging and their relationship with technology like smartphones. Even businesses exhibit a major shift in how they communicate with consumers and with the brands—whatever the case. Choosing the right messaging app goes a long way in ensuring efficiency.

Here, we look at the features that every modern messaging app should offer, those that distinguish between the great and the average.


Source: unsplash.com

With a total of over seven billion messaging app accounts, a high percentage of people are likely to use instant messaging, whether for business or personal purposes. Instant messaging enables a seamless connection between people on their preferred channel; at the same time, it provides the users with a platform for efficient internal communication and collaboration.

So, what is instant messaging? It is a real-time online communication method connecting two or more people. Stand-alone instant messaging apps enable session-based exchanges of audio, text, video communication, files, and content. To make these apps even more appealing and more useful to people, offering free instant messaging should be on every modern messaging app’s list.

Free instant messaging offers many advantages to the users, including convenience, speeding up communication, ease of use, and low cost. Essentially, for a system to be considered effective, everyone has to be using it. And what better way to ensure this than to offer free instant messaging?


Any great messaging app should be compatible with several platforms, including your smartphone, tablet, and desktop. The app available at whuups.com is an example of newer messaging applications with this key feature and others we will be discussing.

Today, people prefer communication from alternative platforms that are not limited to only smartphones. Say, businesses, for example. You are likely to find communication or exchange of data and files through desktop computers due to the large amounts of data available for transfer. Additionally, the need for multitasking, especially in a business setting, makes this an important feature incorporated by every other messaging app.

But more importantly, these apps should be able to be used on all internet browsers. If you want to have everyone using a messaging app, they must be accessible on all internet browsers. People may prefer different internet browsers depending on their geographical locations or user preference. As this is the case, every messaging app should be accessible on these browsers to ensure efficiency and convenience.


Source: unsplash.com

Communication is not limited to text and files, even when you are using a messaging app. A good messaging app should enable its users to make voice calls, send messages, and share files and other forms of data. Voice calling involves real-time communication between people in different geographical locations. Besides communication, voice calling is a way of encouraging relationships on all levels of your business to help strengthen trust in your clientele and develop satisfaction between your employees. If international calls make up a lot of your communication, voice calls are a good option. Voice calling allows users to contact their friends without any cost and this system decreases the distance between these two users. The voice calling feature entails speaking without seeing each other.

Adding a group call system will also allow the user to make group conversations through both voice and video calls.


Your typical messaging app should certainly be able to allow the setting up of video conferences. Online meetings are common today, and having a platform to ensure this is a success is mandatory. Essentially, video conferencing describes online meetings over the internet to connect video conferencing systems in meeting rooms with devices embedded with webcams. A simple unified video conferencing option with support for screen sharing will go a long way in ensuring efficiency, whether for business or personal gain. The drastic changes in modern technology have led to most people working remotely, and the need for the rise of instant, on-demand communication channels cannot be understated. Building and maintaining quality relationships with suppliers, internal teams, partners, customers, and investors is key to grow and globalize businesses. Video conferencing can offer all these advantages in your business without the need for constant travel for face-to-face communication. This is a key feature that all messaging apps should incorporate to ensure effective and efficient communication.

Compared to voice calling, video conferencing allows visual communication between users, provided your internet connection is on.


Source: unsplash.com

Sharing of files is not something a messaging app should miss, whether average or great. Exchange of data happens all the time, not just for personal use but also for professional purposes. A good platform that enables the safe and secure transfer of files from one point to another is integral to any business. A good messaging app should go further to provide encryption for the files being shared so that there’s no leakage or compromise of the data’s integrity. File sharing is simply the act or the practice of sharing or offering access to digital information or resources such as multimedia, graphics, documents, e-books, and images. All messaging apps should have this feature that should allow sharing of data across any platform, whether through your smartphone or a desktop.

Incorporating this feature on the messaging app will enable users to share their videos, photos, and GIFs together with the normal text. Besides, one of the greatest monetization choices for messaging apps is the stickers present on the app, so add a couple if you are looking to earn extra.


The notification system is a feature that serves as a direct source of communication between the user and the messenger. It will take the user activity and inform the user about new messages or the online status of other users.


Source: Whuups

This feature enables users to easily express their personality. Profile creation feature allows users to easily make changes to their profile, such as color schemes, names, designs, and other customization options. In the same way, users can also update their photos from their camera roll or take a picture immediately.

Therefore, if you have yet to choose a messaging app or have one already installed one on your device, consider if it is delivering on all the features a modern app should have.

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